Pinoli Pine Nuts and Date Pastries

A play on Eccles cakes but with a filling that is more intense in flavour and a little sweeter too. The key to its outstanding taste is using New Zealand-grown Pinoli Premium Pine Nuts, the Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards 2023 Supreme Champion. Kathy says if you’re entertaining the filling can be made a day ahead and keep in the fridge, covered.

Makes 12 pastries


250g pitted dates

50g Pinoli Pine Nuts, toasted

1 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground ginger

½ teaspoon ground cardamom


500g Paneton Flaky Puff Pastry (pre rolled), thawed

1 free-range egg, lightly beaten for egg wash

caster sugar for sprinkling

extra Pinoli Pine Nuts for topping

Make the filling, put the dates in a heatproof bowl and just cover in boiling water. Leave to soften and to cool, then drain and finely chop. Put dates in a bowl, add the pine nuts, honey and spices and mix to combine.

On a lightly floured bench, cut the pastry in half. Roll each half a smidgen thinner (to easily make 6 rounds from each). Cut pastry into 12 x 10cm rounds, using a plain pastry cutter.

Put 1 tablespoon of the pine nut and date mixture into the middle of each round. With a pastry brush, lightly brush the edges with cold water. Bring the edges of the pastry into the centre and pinch them together, sealing well.

Using the palm of your hand, flatten each pastry, then turn it over and with a rolling pin, lightly roll it out to a 7cm circle. The pine nut mixture should just start to show through. Put onto 2 baking trays lined with baking paper.

Brush the tops and sides with the egg wash, then sprinkle with    caster sugar. With a sharp knife make 2 cuts across the top of each pastry then finish by pressing 3-5 pine nuts on top of each. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up and help them keep their shape during baking.

Meanwhile, heat the oven to 200°C.  Once the pastries have rested, bake in the hot oven for 18-20 minutes until well browned, rotating the trays during cooking so the pastries brown evenly, especially on their base.

Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.  The pastries can be eaten warm or cold.

Store leftover pastries in an airtight container.


Cut the leftover pastry into odd shapes, prick all over with a fork, then brush with egg glaze, then finely grate over Parmesan before baking until dark golden and the pastry is well cooked. Season with salt and pepper before enjoying.


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