Outstanding Producer Bowl

This is our ‘outstanding’ take on the infamous Hollywood Bowl. Fresh, textural, good for you and  totally satisfying! What medal-winning produce can you add to your producer bowl?

Makes 4 bowls


Spice-roasted carrots

500g small carrots with tops

2-3 tablespoons avocado oil

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon bittersweet smoked paprika

Pumpkin seed salsa

½ cup pumpkin seeds

1 tomato, cored 

½ red chilli, deseeded and roughly chopped

a small handful coriander leaves and stalks, chopped

a small bunch chives, chopped

oil to thin, olive or avocado oil is good here

Fusilli pasta

1 ½-2 cups fusilli pasta

2 tablespoons olive or avocado oil

a handful of fresh coriander leaves

To serve

1 ripe but firm avocado, cut in half, stone removed, peeled and sliced

4 charred red peppers, sliced (we used from a jar of El Navarrico Pimientos, small Spanish peppers), or you could use 1 fresh pepper (capsicum), charred to remove skin

4 handfuls of watercress or rocket leaves

1 packed Chantal Organics Corn Puffs Bang Bang BBQ


Heat the oven to 190C.  Line a shallow roasting dish with baking paper.

Cut the carrots in half lengthwise or cut into chunky pieces (pieces that can easily be eaten with a fork), and put in a bowl. Add the oil, cumin and smoked paprika and season with a little salt. Toss well then tip into the prepared dish. Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes until just tender.

Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat and add the pumpkin seeds. Keep them moving around the pan, until they are lightly toasted. Transfer to a food processor, leave to cool for about 5 minutes, then  process until just smooth.

Return frying pan to the heat and add the tomato and chilli and lightly char.  Put chilli in food processor with the pumpkin seeds and process again. Then add the tomato and herbs and process until a thick puree. Thin with oil and season with salt.

Cook fusilli pasta in plenty of salted water according to packet instructions until al dente. Drain and refresh under cold water. Drain well then add the olive or avocado oil and the coriander and toss well to combine.

To serve, put all the prepared food in a suitable portable container or if eating at home, use a shallow bowl.


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